Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Office

Working hard under the internet tree

This part of Tanzania has no indoor plumbing or electricity. We collect water from the river or use rain water and use solar panels to collect energy. But one thing it does have is a cell signal, and thus, an internet connection. About 100 yards away from the house is this large baobab tree that I affectionately call “the internet tree.” This is the closet spot to the house that gets a cell signal so I often walk here carrying my computer, modem, and a small folding chair. Here I can make phone calls and check my email. I love to sit under the shade of the internet tree while I wait for web pages to load and listen to the nearby cows being herded, say hello to the locals as they walk by, or try to communicate in my broken Swahili to the small crowd of children that sometimes gather to look at the computer.

Sometimes I feel like I should be in a cell phone commercial to demonstrate the wonders of technology in the remotest parts of the world.


  1. Always working under trees!

    You could quickly become the mayor of that tree on Foursquare. You should check in - it'll look cool on my friends list.

    Tanzania and your Mom's mission work sounds so cool.

  2. Fantastic Shelley Han...the pictures of the tree are almost exactly as I had imagined!

    Outstanding blog Shell....!!! I can totally picture you talking to and showing those little kiddies your crazy iMac laptop...

    Love to read more about the interview with Missionary interesting!
